The objective of the course is to offer participants a deep understanding of Open Banking's evolution and its regulatory implications. Through exploration of key concepts and real-world examples, learners gain insights to navigate and capitalize on Open Banking opportunities.
Open Banking Ecosystem:
Overview of the ecosystem and its key elements.
Understanding the fundamental concepts.
Identifying market participants.
Highlighting the benefits to the market.
Open Economy Journey:
Exploring the transition from Open Banking to Open Finance and eventually to an Open Economy.
Regulatory Approaches to Open Banking:
Key regulatory decisions required.
mandated approach vs. market-driven approach.
Examining centralized vs. decentralized data sharing models.
Banks’ Strategic Approaches:
Requirements for banks in the Open Banking landsca
Different strategic approaches: Comply - Compete - Innovat
Use Cases:
Highlighting both mandated and premium use cases observed in other jurisdictions, e.g: Aggregation, Fast Onboarding, Credit Decisioning, Variable Recurring Payments, Business and Revenue Models
Banking and finance professionals.